Importance of Social Media and Digital Networking

Importance of Social Media and Digital Networking

Social media as we know it, have become a key factor in building one’s own or brand personality and
image across the globe. Covid -19 have played a wide role in establishing uncountable brands,
companies and personalities to communicate across the borders with no limitation of exchange of
It opened a gateway portal, creating a number of opportunities for work, ultimately reducing the
unemployment ratio throughout the globe. People around the globe took this opportunity and
established their companies with workers all around the world hence, the term REMOTE WORKING
got a whole new meaning in Digital Networking.
Social Media Market has played a wide role in engaging and connecting with potential customers, and
to reach out to the maximum audience in promoting their brand or companies, targeting every age
group in that process.
Every Social Media platform holds a different aspect while planning a strategy such as

  • Linkedin ( exclusively for professional image targeting CEOs and Investors to get yourself or
    brand recognised around high notch people in order to get attention from them that eventually
    help business to grow )
  • Twitter ( This platform is basically opinionated place to create awareness or Important
    announcement, thoughts or one’s self or even encouragement to the community)
  • Youtube ( Source of sharing detailed information regarding any topic, that may include
    electronics, vlog, travelling, even in education platforms for uploading lectures for everyone to
    easily approach it. Basically it became a reliable source for solutions to every question. Not
    only this, Youtube platform have become a full time career if maintained accordingly and can
    get you well on finance )
  • Facebook ( Facebook recently has faded out on its fame due to other platforms that took
    over it in attracting the audience from it. Now mostly it is used by the companies and people
    for promotion Campaigns, and by getting yourself monetized with good reach and likes it can
    be a good source of income as well )
  • Instagram ( This platform has become the new name for branding on Social Media, it has the
    audience for every category. Instagram is a photo and video sharing social networking
    service. The app allows users to upload media that can be edited with filters and organised by
    hashtags and geographical tagging. Posts can be shared publicly or with pre approved
    followers )
  • Snapchat ( One of the principal features of Snapchat is that pictures and messages are
    usually only available for a short time before they become inaccessible to their recipients. It
    can easily be used as reminders in form of streaks for reminders of brand or any new launch )
  • Tiktok ( This social media platform has recently emerged and proved itself to be a worthy
    means to be used in branding for companies or individual has now become a
    fasted way to hype a brand among the audience. )
    Markets that come out with a strong Marketing strategy for Branding and utilise these platforms on its
    optimum levels can create a powerful space for the brand among the Social media community.
Top 5 benefits of Social Media Marketing ( SMM )
  1. Brand Awareness
  2. Increase Revenue
  3. Improved SEO
  4. Better Customer Service
  5. Retargeting Opportunities
Advantages of Social Media Marketing

There are unlimited advantages of SMM as it is a limitless space to keep growing and expanding
yourself and brand upwards. Few of these may include,
● You reach large audience
● You have direct connection with your audience
● You create organic content
● You have access to paid advertisement services
● You build your brand
● You drive traffic to our website
● You can evaluate your performance
● You can join Social Media Networks for free
● You can create viral content
● You can get ultimate exposure and opportunities
● You can have multiple chances to explore your limits

Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing

With all the opportunities for using these Social Media platforms, comes the potential problem that can
impact the communication while using these,
● You can receive negative feedback
● You can open a portal for embarrassment
● You must spent a lot of time on campaigns
● You have to wait to see the results
● Less privacy that can be exploited over media


Social Media Management and Digital Networking plays a wide role in creating a brand awareness
around the globe to reach maximum audience and generate the revenue for the brand to reach its top
It is necessary to plan and implement the perfect Media strategy with strong content and graphical
impact that any consumer or customer that visits the brand, must not leave without making a

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